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Spring is Coming!

We are all enduring the dog days of winter right now. Freezing, bone chilling

temperatures, snow up to our knees and of course Covid restrictions. This weather

is good for our environment as the prolonged sub-zero temps help to control

invasive insect species and allows our native plant species to have their dormant

cycle just as they have evolved to do.

However, spring is not far off!! It may seem so right now but before long the thaw

will come, bulbs will sprout, leaves will reappear, and temperatures will be much

more outdoor activity friendly. So now is the time to start thinking about your own

gardens and patio space. Are you thinking of sprucing it up a bit? Maybe some new

plant material, an expansion of an existing garden or a complete revamp—now is

the time to plan for that. What kind of annuals do you want to plant? Do you want to

change up the colour scheme? Make the patio cozier? If you are thinking of any of

those or other things, planning now is essential for you to have your space ready to

enjoy for the entire season.

If you’re not sure where to start, please just feel free to contact me at Leslie’s

Landscapes and I can help you realize your yard/garden space dreams for the

warmer seasons of 2022. Who wouldn’t like to see some bright, fresh colour after a

long cold winter? I know I would, and I am already planning how I will be

rearranging my gardens and what plants I’ll be using. You should be as well.

Hope to talk soon and let me help you realize your greenspace vision for 2022~



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