Yes, I said it, Christmas is indeed coming! For any of those that know me, I love the Christmas season, the colours, the carols, the movies spending time with family and friends—cherishing the lives we have and celebrating giving. And, who doesn’t love beautiful decorations to go along with all of that?

This brings me to how I can help you get the most out your festive season. Christmas urns! This year, for the first time, I am going to offer an urn building service to select customers who contact me by the end of this month. I will design and build your urns for you all for a reasonable headache free price. Just put them where you want once delivered and enjoy! I have a great knack for Christmas décor and I know you will be thrilled with what I can build for you. You will be the envy of the neighbourhood when everyone sees the unique design that they can’t find at their local garden centre displayed right there in front of your beautiful home!
I know what you're thinking, by the end of September? Yes! It's never too early to make sure I get the best prices on the components that I'm going to use to build your beautiful Christmas urns. I will use the first couple of weeks of October to build your beautiful and have it ready for late October for you display in front of your home or decorating your backyard space.

I will use the best materials to make sure your urn stands out in your neighborhood and lasts throughout the winter maximizing your value for the investment.
Hurry, I only will have a limited amount of availability so if you want to take advantage of this offer, contact me right away and I guarantee you will be so happy with the finished result that you’ll be back next year for my next creative Christmas season.
I look forward to hearing from you!